Friday, May 28, 2010


For more than 4 years we have been praying for and working hard to raise funds to purchase property or larger facilities for our church plant here in Lima. We continue to pray and believe for a miracle even though only about 20% of the amount needed has been raised.

El Oasis continues to grow numerically which we believe also reflects the spiritual growth of the congregation. 175 children, youth and adults attended last week's Sunday AM service. It is a very challenging moment for us because we don't want to lose this momentum as we battle the physical limitations of our rented facilities. In November a triangle planter in the center of the sanctuary was removed so that 20 more chairs could be added. In July we will probably return to multiple services.

The congregation has also responded via offerings to the church building fund. They do not appear to be discouraged by the huge financial mountain that must be overcome. $1200 was given in a special offering in March. Once a month, at the end of the Sunday AM service, the women of the church sell food and snacks. All profits go to the church building fund. This averages nearly $100 a month! Also a local businessman is considering a large donation to help us renovate our current facilities, since we have neglected routine maintenance (painting, carpet, etc) in our saving for the future. Their faith and energy have surprised and inspired us.

However, the greatest surprise was yet to come. A few weeks ago a large family in the church came into my office. They looked very sad as they each one handed me envelopes full of cash. It was all an act. They were really excited because they had come to tithe on their inheritance It was their desire to give it all to the building fund. The total was $17,420. I was in shock. This was by far the largest, single amount ever given to the project (the previous high was $5000 given by a church in the States). It was a sacred moment as we prayed, dedicating this money to God's plans for the future. When we least expect it...Surprise!!!!! God is still working!!!! We can't wait for the next surprise...