Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Really Studying God's Word

Since returning to Peru last year we decided to redo our adult discipleship program.    In most churches the majority of the adult "bible" courses are either a study of systematic theology which utilizes "proof texting" to show where certain doctrines are found in the Bible or studies of biblically related topics normally included in the titles of the most popular books in the nearest Christian bookstore.  It is rare to see an entire biblical book being studied.  Few set out to read the entire Bible or the entire New Testament in one year.  While both doctrinal and topical studies have an important role in the Christian diet, they cannot replace familiarity and understanding of the actual biblical text.  

Now our adult "School of the Bible" includes the following quarterly studies:
--Your New Life Christ (for New Believers) --The Purpose Filled Life
--The 10 Commandments --New Testament Survey
--Old Testament Survey
--Genesis --Exodus --Luke
--Acts --Romans --Galatians/Efesians

Throughout the year we also offer practical studies on the following topics:
--Marriage --The family --Money
--The Holy Spirit --Personal Evangelism
--Missions --Inner Healing
--Praise & Worship --Prayer

We will eventually have a School of Leadership for those who complete the earlier studies.  Each year we want to emphasize that each believer should read a large portion of the Bible during their devotional time each day.  

Using this program we hope to see believers mature quickly in their daily walk with Jesus Christ.  People are hungry for God's Word.  We need to make sure this is what they are being fed in the local church.